
Incentive program for airliners

We provide incentive programs to all airlines operating at our airports, to stimulate traffic growth. Together with our extensive partnerships, these programs help to reduce risk related to starting up new routes, and to establish a steady demand.

The purpose of Avinor’s financial participation is to reduce risk related to starting up new routes, to contribute to better financial results for Avinor, and improve service to travelers.

All applications for support must be sent to Avinor AS before the project or route starts.


The following incentive schemes are available:

  • Startup aid for new passenger routes: reduction of charges for a limited period.
    • Marketing assistance: direct grants to finance marketing activities
    • Assistance in establishing Route Development Funds (RDF)
  • Passenger Growth Bonus

Incentive schemes in detail

Startup aid for selected new passenger routes

Avinor provides startup discounts for passenger routes, in form of a reduction in charges for a limited period. 

Route type Maximum discount Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Intercontinental Take-off charge 100 % 90 % 80 % 40 % 20 %
  Passenger charge 90 % 70 % 50 % 30 % 20 %
Europe Take-off charge 100 % 75 % 50 %    
  Passenger charge 90 % 60 % 30 %    

For complete details, including an overview of eligible routes, download Avinor guidelines startup aid W23S24 (pdf).

Marketing assistance for passenger routes

The aim is to participate in connection with the start-up of new routes or other extraordinary activities at the airport.

The direct grant will only be given once to the same activity and may only cover external project costs, not including use of internal personnel or resources. The amount of the grant will be considered in light of expected effect on Avinor’s results. The marketing activities must be part of a project plan which must be profitable in the long term for both the company applying for the grant and for Avinor.

The direct grant will only be given once to the same activity and may only cover external project costs, not including use of internal personnel or resources. The amount of the grant will be considered in light of expected effect on Avinor’s results. The marketing activities must be part of a project plan which must be profitable in the long term for both the company applying for the grant and for Avinor.

A written application must be made available to and approved by Avinor before the activities in question have been initiated.

Bonus Scheme for passenger Growth

 The aim of the bonus scheme is to reward airlines who are contributing to passenger growth for the Avinor group, for international flights within Europe, including Turkey. 

A bonus is awarded for each additional departing passenger from one calendar year to the next, based on the number of passengers for which passenger charge is payable. The bonus is 60% of the current passenger charge in the year of growth. 

For full details download bonus scheme for passenger growth 2024.

Contact our incentives specialist

Profile picture of Monika Odden
Monika Odden
Revenue Manager

Business support

We are in constant exchange with our partners in the tourism and other industries. Together, we actively work on developing Norway as a destination and therefore help with filling seats and making routes profitable in the long-term.